Fire Jumper

Fire Jumper
Roger Wright

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Follow Up

I just wanted to create a short follow up post on some of the
previously discussed
topics, so here it goes!!

Original Post 4/20/09: Door To Door Organics (Dot Com)!
We love being part of the Manhattan Beach Co-op. The fruits and vegetables are mostly produced locally and delivered fresh once a week. You can be part of the co-op or have your produce delivered right to your door! Save on gas by having your veggies shipped directly to you! As always, for
more informations, chat me up!

Original Post 4/21/09: GDiapers!
I have been using GDiapers for the last year on both of my boys. Yakov wears them at night and Ethan wears them 24/7. I love them. I rec
ommend them. I think they are cute, functional, healthy, and they make my babies happy. I nave have trouble with diaper rashes, I feel good about saving the planet, and I really feel there is no excuse NOT to use them at this point!!! Either way, I have tons of valuable coupons for ANYONE would may like, including this fantasti
c one which will save you tons of money starting up, originally priced at $70.00 it drops to $40.00 for 6 pairs of Everyday G's! Tell Them Julie Sent You With This Code: g559Wright, good though July 31st!!

Original Post 6/2/09: Eco-Sunscreen / Body Care:
I am using and Loving California Baby Products!

Original Post 6/23/09: Organic, Ethically Treated Meat:
Already picked up and ate our Mitzvah Meat Lamb, LOVED it. It was the BEST lamb I have ever eaten in my life; Roger agreed! We have a subscription to
Kosher Conscience and expect pick up to be sometime next week. This is the only type or meat I
will eat, in or out of my home. So
rry, but I will be going vegetarian unless it is at least organic!

Original Post 6/24/09: Open Microphone!
Looking for more questions, comments, concerns to address! Feel free to shoot some over my way!! Thanks to C.A. for that great question! Curious minds want to know, have you changed your water bottle ways for tap!? Fill us in!! ***Check for the update at t
he original blog!!

Original Post 6/26/09:
Yakov has a pair of Soft Star Shoes and
loves them! I am now about to purchase a vegan pair for Ethan
instead of other more popular brands made in China. Roger and I are even considering "splurging" on some of the cute
moccasins for the Fall! I highly recommend them for your kid
s!!! Affordab
le and very well crafted. It is also great to know their leathers are formaldehyde free!

Original Post 7/2/09: Zigo Bike Rider!
I got my bike about 2 weeks ago and love it! I get looks everywhere I go! It takes a little bit of "adjusting" to get used to the feel of the bike, but it is really awesome. My boys, ages 3 and 12 months, love to ride in it. They talk to each other, usually it is a one sided conversation I must admit, but it promotes bonding between my two boys. Everyone asks me about it where ever I go and when asked about the price I just tell them it beats the price of a second car, no gas cost, no insurance, and tune ups are virtually free! Ask me for a discount code!!!

Build a Terrarium!

Build a Terrarium

Think having a garden requires heavy investment?

The Bite:
Here's a laissez-faire approach: Make a terrarium. Moisture-lovin' plants thrive in these mini-ecosystems with minimal to no regular watering. Building one is a great activity for kids - and artist Kat Geigershowed us how to make one with stuff you already have, so it's not taxing on your wallet either.
The Benefits:
  • Getting macro fun with micro resources. Terrariums take care of themselves by auto-recycling water, which evaporates from the plants and soil, condenses on the container, and drips back down.
  • Teaching a supply-side lesson. Terrariums are a fun, easy way for kids to learn how plants work - and after the initial setup, they can just sit back and observe.
  • No pricey outlays. Any old jar with a lid will work, plus a few bucks' worth of garden supplies.
Wanna Try:
Garden Pet
1 hour

What You Need:

  • Clean, dry Mason jar (or similar) with lid
  • 1-2 cups pea-size pebbles (for 1 qt. jar)
  • 1-2 cups garden-grade charcoal
  • 2-3 cups potting soil
  • Chopstick
  • Terrarium plant (such as tiny toad or pennywort)
  • Moss to cover
  • Spray bottle


  1. Add pebbles to jar until they're about a 1/2-inch deep for drainage.
  2. Add a 1/2-inch layer of garden-grade charcoal on top of the pebbles. This will keep mildew and mold from growing.
  3. Then add high-quality potting soil to top of charcoal layer, approximately 3/4-inch deep.
  4. Using the chopstick, dig a small hole in the soil. Add the plant, then cover the roots with soil and pat down.
  5. Ease moss into jar so that it surrounds your plant, and use the chopstick to push the moss into the soil.
  6. Use the spray bottle to heavily mist the plant and moss, twist on the lid, and you're done.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Best BIKE Invention YET!

*** UPDATE: Interested in a Zigo of your own? Enjoy 10% off with this code, good though July!! ZIGOJ4 ***
I am so so so very excited to be posting today! It is quite infrequent that one can find JUST what they were IMAGINING in one's mind sitting right there in a store, but it happened to me today!
As most of you may know, Roger and I love biking, actually... Yakov, Roger, and I all love biking!

Problem #1: What do you do when you're living in the City with two kids and hubby is not up for an adventure? Leave one kid behind?! It pains me to think about all the learning and exposure that child would miss!

Poor Solution #1: Back Seat Bike Trailers? Not so practical in the City I say. The fast cars, buses, the traffic, no one notices it all the way back there (even with those flags)!

Problem #2: Even with one child, what are your options past the one and a half year mark? I loved the IBert seat, had a great time with it. The child is right up close with you on the handle bars, you're able to see them, they see you, steering is a piece of cake! Only problem with that is if your child is tall, or past 2 years old, their legs hit the handlebars and they can not ride safely.

Poor Solution #2: Back seat riders? I am so not thrilled with this, and neither is consumer reports. The seat in the back affects riding stability, if the child suddenly shifts their weight you can tip over, it is not easy to get the child in or out, and I just was not comfortable with this solution. Consumer reports talks again about the rear trailer, but they did not know about this latest bike, our SOLUTION!!!!

Enter the Zigo!!! So today in my desperation to be a green living, biking-for-transportation family, I settled on what I thought was the only option for us, the backseat bike carrier for Roger's bike, while I maintained the iBert for the baby. Again, this meant we BOTH had to ride bikes to take the kids out and only Roger could take Yakov and I was stuck with Ethan. To switch would be too timely, so that was what we settled on.

I step into Roy's bike shop ready to buy when my eye pop at the greatest invention in biking history! a FRONT trailer, a bike with 3 wheels for added stability, the option to change the bike into a 2 wheeler without the trailer attachment, and the options to turn the trailer into a regular stroller as well as a jogging stroller! My mouth dropped. It looks sleek. Designed so well! So functional! And YESSSS It holds TWO children!!! You can even get attachments for a regular bike if you wanted to use the trailer as a rear option-- don't forget your back flag! But YESSSSS YOU CAN! It has a rain cover too!

Just wait, guess who will be sporting one of these sooner than you think? Come and check mine out for yourself! Give it a test ride! Lets bike! RIDE ON!!!!!!