Fire Jumper

Fire Jumper
Roger Wright

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Welcome Back!

It's been almost two years since I suffered a major shoulder injury while training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. My initial MRI results were inconclusive, therefore I took a year off to see if it would heal on it's own. I took physical therapy sessions, but my condition did not improve. I could not lift my shoulder over my head and it even took great difficulty to pick up my children. After a year I went to see a specialist who told me I probably tore my labrum and seriously damaged my AC joint. We tried a cortisone injection, but it offered very little relief. I finally opted for arthroscopic surgery. My labrum was reattached with two staples and I had scar tissue removed from my AC joint. I am now 10 months post surgery and I am finally beginning to feel good again. It took six months to be able to perform push-ups and am just able to lift weights again. I recently completed an 11 mile Spartan race, my shoulder felt great through all the climbing obstacles. Now that I am getting closer to a 100%, I plan to post more regularly. I learned a great deal about shoulder stability and the importance of the scapula for shoulder health. It has completely changed the way I lift weights. I look forward to sharing my insights with you! Embedded below you will find a video featuring some of my home made exercise equipment with explanation about how to use it and create it yourself!

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